Collection support
Support the Execution for the Paying
of Child Support Expenses Service for supporting the execution of paying child support expenses Collection support
of Child Support Expenses Service for supporting the execution of paying child support expenses Collection support
Guide on collection support
- We proceed with legal procedures for the debtor to pay child support expenses, such as an agreement with the debtor without an issue, compulsory execution under the Civil Execution Act, and lawsuits to secure execution of child support expenses under the Family Litigation Act, so that the creditor can receive child support expenses without issues.
We support all kinds of order-requests and lawsuits to secure execution as per Family Litigation Act.
Proceed with forced process of execution
If the debtor’s failure to pay child support expenses repeats, payment will be enforced through legal procedures, such as the seizure of property.
- Support content
- We support minor children so that they can grow up in a safe environment through agreed progression, a lawsuit to secure execution of payment, or compulsory execution of an order, if there is a request from the creditor of child support expenses targeting the debtor regarding support collection of the unpaid amount. We proceed with legal measures on the debtor of child support expense, by supporting the lawsuit to secure execution of child support expense as per Family Litigation Act or compulsory execution as per Civil Execution Act.
Family Litigation Act
- Order of execution
- Order to provide security
- Trial for imposing fine
- Order for direct payment
- Order for lump sum payment
- Trial for detention
Civil Execution Act
- Seizure and forced sale by auction
for the property* the debtor owns - Property description
- Inquire about property, etc.
- *Property: Property Real estate, salary, savings and savings, insurance, lease deposit, etc.
- Support procedure
Support procedure 1) Submit the application 2-1) Notify the request to execute 2-2) Check the intention to pay and investigate 3) Support collection and disciplinary measures A creditor of child support expenses can apply for support collection. Notify of the request to execute to the child support expenses debtor Check the debtor’s intention to make an agreement
If the debtor agrees, investigate the debtor’s ability to pay child support expense, such as income, asset, etc.Lawsuit to secure execution
compulsory execution
Field assist team - Disciplinary measures on a defaulter
- If the debtor of child support expenses does not pay child support expenses promptly, we will take disciplinary measures on the debtor to secure the payment of child support expenses, such as applying for the debtor's enrollment on the list of defaulters, seizure of the expected amount of tax refunds, and a collection order.
Where to Inquire about the Projects
- Child Support Agency of the Korea Institute for Healthy Family
Phone: 1577-4206 (ARS #1 Counseling on child support expenses)Shortcut
Child Support Agency Shortcut